1,050 New Homes in North Weald

In March 2023, Epping Forest District Council approved the Local Plan, which included a number of development sites in North Weald. 

Update September 2024 - NWB.R1 T1 Outline Planning Application Submitted

On Monday 30th September 2024, North Weald Bassett Parish Councils planning committee considered an outline planning application for 195 dwellings and 5 gypsy and traveller pitches and associated parking and landscaping, on the land to the west of Tyler's Green & South of A414, North Weald Bassett.  Click HERE for a copy of the Councils repsonse.

Update January 2024 - Strategic Masterplan Framework, North Weald

The Masterplan is required to be prepared by the Epping Forest District Council Local Plan in order to guide future development that has been allocated for North Weald Bassett.  The Masterplan includes:

  • A minimum of 1,050 new energy efficient homes, including social rented and shared ownership, that would be available to local people
  • New community facilities and land for healthcare facilities
  • Improved access to St Andrew’s Primary School and commitment to additional education provision either through a new primary school or the expansion of St Andrew’s
  • New and improved, fully equipped children’s play spaces
  • Better sports facilities including an additional junior / mini pitch and improvements to the Memorial Playing Fields as the central sporting hub, making it more of a focal point in the village
  • Public open space for recreation and biodiversity
  • Additional planting throughout the masterplan area, including a new community orchard
  • New retail units to complement existing shops and services in the village
  • A new roundabout on the A414 providing direct access to the masterplan area

The final Strategic Masterplan for North Weald Bassett will establish a framework of principles for future growth in the village.  EFDC will use the Masterplan for determining future planning applications. North Weald Bassett Parish Council agreed their response to this consultation at their meeting on 8th January 2024, a full copy of which can be found HERE.


UPDATE December 2023 - Hybrid Planning Application EPF/2587/23 for site NWB.R3 Land south of Vicarage Lane

The North Weald Bassett Planning Committee considered the Hybrid Planning Application for this site on Thursday 14th December. A copy of the Parish Councils response can be found HERE. To view full details of the proposal, visit Planning Application: EPF/2587/23 (site.com)


UPDATE June 2023

Vistry Group is leading the development of this Masterplan, and carried out a public Consultation in June on the current draft proposals. A brochure was posted to every home in the Parish to provide further information, including the dates of the public consultation events. Residents were invited to have a walk round of the site, and to ask questions about the proposals.

A copy of the brochure can be found by clicking HERE.  For further information, visit www.nwbmasterplan.co.uk.

In July 2023, Vistry submitted a planning application for their proposed scoping issues - application EPF/1323/23.  A copy of the Parish Councils response to this application can be found by clicking HERE.