Weald Common Tree Project

Image of Weald Common Opening

Image of Chairman cutting the ribbon for Weald Common Opening

Official Opening - Monday 9th October 2023 The new North Weald Woodland has been officially opened by North Weald Bassett Parish Council.

More than 2,400 trees have been planted in the area, among them seven oak saplings given by local resident Roger Anthony. The saplings had grown in Mr Anthony’s garden from an old oak tree, which is believed to have once stood in the grounds of#
Bluemans Farm. The ‘North Weald Oaks’ join native species such as willow, poplar, hazel, alder, hawthorn, sweet chestnut and oak, all sourced by Essex County Council’s Senior Forestry and Woodland Officer.   It is hoped these will enhance the biodiversity in this important location. Visitors to Weald Common can still enjoy the popular walking area as the well-trodden pathways that cross the field have been retained. 

The project includes information boards and seating, including a bench purchased with a donation from the now closed down North Weald Bassett Preservation Society.  Another bench, along with an information board, recognises the efforts of the Eco-Warrior group of children at St Andrew's Primary School who attended Monday's opening ceremony.  Also attending the ribbon cutting were parish councillors and Epping Forest District Council vice-chairman Councillor Les Burrows.


Project Update July 2023 - We are delighted that all our trees have now been planted around Weald Common, creating the start of a beautiful new wood for current and future generations to enjoy.   Over the coming few months, works will continue including installation information boards detailing the different types of trees planted, and benches for residents to rest and enjoy the area.  There will also be an information board set against one of the large concrete boulders used as part of the old radio station, explaining what it is and why its there.  Watch this space!


Project Update June 2023 - We were very grateful to receive a few tree donations.  Roger Anthony supplied 7 saplings grown from an old oak tree believe to have once stood in the Grounds of Bluemans farm, which will be known as the 'North Weald Oaks.   Plus we had a beautiful oak tree supplied by Ann Danhaive.  The Parish Council would like to thank these individuals for their kinds donations.

Project Update May 2023 - The Parish Council was keen to involve St Andrew’s Primary School Community with this exciting project and, following a meeting with Deputy Headteacher Benjamin Sharp, the school’s Eco-Warrior Group were invited to get involved with the final planting of 40 trees.

Picture of Children from St Andrews school planting trees at Weald CommonPicture of children from St Andrews School planting trees at Weald Common

The Eco-Warriors visited Weald Common on Monday, 9th January to plant a selection of different whips under the guidance of the Parish Council’s contractors.

Parish Council Chairman, Councillor Alan Buckley, thanked the group for their help and said that they were helping to create a lasting legacy for future generations. He said that he hoped the children would enjoy seeing the trees grow over the coming months and years.

Deputy Headteacher Benjamin Sharp said: “It was great to see the children so excited to go and tell other children about the project when they got back to school and to hear the children discussing how they can watch the trees grow over many years to come. The project is going to bring so much to these children and I’m sure their families in the future”.

The Parish Council intends to install a plaque to mark the location where the children have planted the trees.

Roger Oak Trees

Further enhancements to the project will be taking place over the next few months and the Parish Council hope to enlist additional help from the Eco-Warriors.


Project Update September 2022 - Just waiting for confirmation that funding has been approved by the Forestry Commission, before works are expected to start at the end of this year.  A site meeting took place on 28th September to agree a project plan, and get the ball rolling.  At a minimum, we are expected to have 3,000 trees, specifically selected for this space, creating a woodland area which will benefit both current and future generations, as well as contributing towards the slowing global warming.  The Woodland will grow over decades to come, creating ever changing natural habitats and supporting wildlife as well and continuing to be a well loved and valued space for our residents to enjoy.


NORTH WEALD BASSETT PARISH COUNCIL is looking to create a woodland area at Weald Common, planting between 2,000 and 4,000 trees, on land adjacent to the access road leading from North Weald Village Hall Car Park. The council is working closely with Essex County Council’s officer for Forestry and Woodlands to ensure that the project will not cause any adverse effects to the biodiversity at this important location.   It is hoped that the project can be combined with commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and although many ideas have already been put forward, for example the allocation of a tree to each local school child, the council will listen to all suggestions.  

The creation of a new woodland will not only be a legacy for future generations, but it will also help to offset the impact of climate change.