Civility & Respect


Civility and Respect


At our Parish Council meeting on Monday 6th March 2023, North Weald Bassett Parish signed up to the Civility and Respect Pledge in line with many other town and parish councils across the country. We recognise that throughout the sector, there are growing concerns about the impact of bullying, harassment, and intimidation on local councils, councillors, clerks and council staff and the effectiveness of local councils. For this reason, the National Association of Local Councils has been working together with partner organisations in putting civility and respect at the top of the agenda in order to maintain a culture change within the local council sector. North Weald Bassett Parish Council has signed the pledge to demonstrate it is completely committed to standing up to poor behaviour across the sector and to driving through the positive changes that support both civil and respectful conduct. This is the result of the growing concerns about the impact of bullying, harassment and intimidation on local councils, councillors, clerks and council staff and the effectiveness of local councils. This pledge extends to Councillors, Officers, and members of the public.  


6th March 2023