The Neighbourhood Plan now has its own website - visit to register your interest. 

24th October 2016 - Steering Group Meeting. Click HERE for a copy of the minute sof this meeting.

8th September 2016 - Inaugural meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held.  Click HERE for a copy of the minutes of this meeting

July/Aug 2016 - Residents invited to complete the skills questionnaire, and express how involved they would like to be in preparation of the Plan

9th May 2016 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council agrees to progress a Neighbourhood Plan. Click HERE for a copy of the minutes from this meeting.

15th February 2016 - Meeting of residents who have expressed an interest or supported the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.  Click HERE for a copy of the notes of this meeting, and click HERE for a copy of the presentation given.

23rd January 2016 - public events held 23rd January 2016 - click HERE for full details.

29th November 2015 - Public event held in Hastingwood to increase awareness of Neighbourhood Planning and establish if there is public support to progress a Plan.

19th October 2015 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council asks members of the public to decide if now is the time to create a Neighbourhood Plan - Click HERE for full details.

7th September 2015 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council agrees to progress a Neighbourhood Plan for the area as designated by Epping Forest District Council.  Click HERE for a copy of the minutes, of HERE for a copy of the Designated Area.

3rd August 2015 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council holds an Extraordinary Meeting at which the Council reluctantly agrees to rescind its decision to pursue a judicial review. Click HERE for a copy of the minutes from this meeting. 

9th July 2015 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council sends Letter Before Action to Epping Forest District Council setting out reasons for challenging the Councils decision to Designate an alternate area to that proposed by the Parish Council.  We are current awaiting a formal response.

22nd June 2015 - North  Weald Bassett Parish Council agree at an Extraordinary Meeting to challenge Epping Forest District Councils decision to Designate an Alternate Neighbourhood Plan Area - Click HERE for a copy of the Minutes of this meeting.

11th June 2015 - Epping Forest District Council Cabinet agree to Designate an alternative Neighbourhood Plan Area to that proposed by the Parish Council.    Click HERE for a copy of the minutes of this meeting - Starting Page 6 - and click HERE for a copy of the area they have excluded.

9th March 2015 - Recommendation to Epping Forest District Council Cabinet to Designate an Alternative area to that proposed by the Parish Council was 'deferred' at the request of the Parish Council.  Click HERE for a copy of the agenda item, which sets out the basis for EFDCs recommendation.

8th September 2014 - North Weald Bassett Parish Council formally submit Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area for the purposes of completing a Neighbourhood Plan.  The Neighbourhood Area is the entire Parish of North Weald Bassett.  Click HERE for a copy of the application letter, and click HERE for a copy of the Area map.

Want to know more about Neighbourhood Planning? - follow some of these useful links below: