HGGT Latton Priory Development Site

UPDATE: September 2024

An Outline Planning Application (EPF/1793/24) has been submitted for the proposed Latton Priory development, and consultation on the plans is now open, with the deadline for comments being 11th October.  The planning application is for a Mixed Use Development delivered in phases comprising of:

  • Up to 1,340 dwellings (use class C3);
  • Residential Care and Supported Accommodation (C2),
  • mixed use local centre (comprising Commercial, Business and Service Uses (Class E (a), (b), (c), (f) creche/nursery (g) offices, and (e) medical/health services),
  • Residential uses (C3),
  • Residential institutions (C2),
  • Local Community Uses (F2(b)), hot food takeaways, public house, wine bar (sui generis), mobility hub);
  • Traveller pitches (5);
  • Learning and Non-residential institutions (Class F1) including 2FE primary school (with early years and childcare provision) and secondary school (with provision for indoor sport, recreation or fitness use and associated sports pitches);
  • Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) Green Infrastructure including formal (including playing fields with changing facilities and associated infrastructure) and informal open space, allotments, play space (including Neaps/Leaps/MUGA), walking and cycling routes, amenity greenspace, parks and gardens, natural/semi natural greenspace, new and retained landscape and woodland, biodiversity enhancements);
  • Sustainable drainage systems;
  • Movement network comprising new highway, cycle and pedestrian routes (including new vehicular access points from Rye Hill Road and B3193 London Road;
  • Car parking;
  • Eengineering works (including ground modelling);
  • Demolition and other supporting ancillary infrastructure (including utilities, pumping stations, lighting electricity substations and secondary mobility hubs)”
  • (all Matters Reserved except Junctions onto Rye Hill Road and B3193 (London Road)) (a phased development each phase being separate and severable part of the development)

This application was considered by North Weald Bassett Parish Council planning committee at its meeting on 7th October, and a copy of the response can be found HERE.

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town sketch

In March 2024, EFDC Cabinet formally endorsed the Latton Priory Strategic Design Code.  This now sits alongside the Strategic Masterplan Framework as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications for the site.  To view copies of these documents, visit:

Strategic Masterplan Framework

Strategic Design Code

As at August 2024, no planning application have been submitted for the Latton Priory site, however for further information about the development site, visit Home - Latton Priory.